The benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of Gynaecology and Fertility problems can be found in early Chinese medical literature dating back to the 11AD.
Not only do these techniques assist in regulating the menstrual cycle and invigorating the sperm, but they also serve to enhance the function of the whole body. Treatment techniques focuses on the natural menstrual cycle, specifically the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle.
Fertility, subfertility and infertility rates are increasing and nowadays couples are putting off starting a family until later in life. Much research has been carried out on the effects of acupuncture on fertility and it has been shown to boost fertility rates for both men and women.
Acupuncture is effective in the treatment of many underlying gynaecological conditions. It helps in relieving stress and tension and works towards obtaining hormonal balance. Acupuncture has also proven to improve the blood supply to the reproductive organs.
How can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine enhance fertility?
• Helps to normalizing hormones to increase the number of follicles
• Increases blood flow to the uterus and increases uterine thickness
• Improves ovarian function to produce better quality eggs
• Improves sperm count, motility and morphology
• Helps reduce the chance of miscarriage
• Reduces side effects of assisted reproductive hormonal treatment.
• Decreases uterine contractibility for implantation
• Reduces stress and enhances relaxation
• Strengthens the body's immune system
Female Fertility
• Unexplained Infertility
• Early menopause
• Amenorrhea
• Irregular periods
• Anovulation
• Autoimmune Infertility
• Endometriosis
• Thin endometrial lining
• Frequent miscarriage
• High FSH
• Hormonal Imbalance
• Luteal Phase Defect
• Pre/Post IVF Acupuncture
• Helps to improve the outcome of assisted reproduction procedures (IVF,IUI etc)
• Pregnancy Preparation
• PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
• Poor Egg Quality
• Secondary Infertility
• Stress and Infertility
• Uterine Fibrosis
• Insomnia, depression, fatigue
• Premenstrual syndrome
Male Fertility
• Low sperm count
• Poor morphology
• Poor motility
• Stress
• DNA fragmentation issues
• Varicoceles
• Autoimmune conditions
Low Libido
Assisted Fertility (IUI, IVF, ICSI, FET, Donor egg/sperm)
• Pre and Post transfer acupuncture
• Preparation for an assisted cycle